Several companies, including Planters Peanuts, L.L. Bean, and Oscar Mayer, have been forerunners in experiential marketing, creating attention-grabbing mobile marketing vehicles that build brand engagement.
We are so pleased that Turtle Transit has been able to help each company realize its creative vision over the years.
Today, mobile marketing vehicles are out in the world, promoting their brands and engaging audiences, which is clearly enhanced and amplified through social media.
On Instagram in particular, the companies are making the most of their mobile marketing! If you follow @PlantersNUTmobile, #wienermobile, or @LLBean and #llbeanbootmobile, you can not only learn where the vehicles will be traveling, but, what I have found most rewarding, is seeing them having fun at cross-over meet-ups!
Check out how the Planters mobile team and the LL Bean Bootmobile had fun when the two vehicles met up.

And in July, both the Planters NUTmobile and the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile were spotted—and promoted—at the Iowa Speedway.
Of course, there’s often serious controversy on social media. Like Oscar Mayer promoting its mobile marketing vehicle as the Frankmobile—to us and many others, it will always be called the Weinermobile!
Turtle Transit has worked with each company, designing and fabricating versions of these mobile marketing vehicles, as well as other experiential marketing opportunities. For L.L. Bean, for example, we have built engaging and effective exhibits and displays. With Planters, when we built their first NUTmobile, we also helped develop creative photo ops with Mr. Peanut and the NUTmobile.
While Turtle Transit is pleased to have been able to craft various versions of these mobile marketing vehicles, it’s clear that, combined with effective social media, experiential marketing can catch audience’s attention across the United States, building brand engagement and boosting visibility—and ultimately sales.
James Riseborough