Red Bull has sponsored a Formula One team since 1995 and now, fans can experience some of the fast paced action involved in Formula One races! Red Bull Racing crews can change 4 tires in under two seconds. How long would it take you to change one?
The Red Bull Pit Stop Challenge, built by Turtle Transit, allows consumers to test their skills and race against the clock by changing the tires of an authentic F1 car chassis using the tools used by race mechanics.
We built three Pit Stop Challenge trailers from the ground up, using a flatbed trailer as the base to hold an F1 car. We then built custom housing to encase the car and house fan engagement elements. Both sides flip down, creating a stage on each side so teams can compete against each other and have room to work. Awnings roll out to provide cover from the sun when the game is in action.
We installed full electric, run on a generator, for the power tools, as well as two monitors, lights, and sound. The sound system speakers are designed to be hung outside during events, but are fully removable for storing when the vehicle is moving from site to site. The entire program is well branded with the Red Bull colors and logos.
2023 is the third year the Turtle Transit trailers have been in use, traveling to Walmarts and Formula One races. This summer, you can test your skills on the Red Bull Pit Stop Challenge Tour at a Walmart near you. Fastest time on the tour will win the Ultimate Red Bull Racing Experience with all-expense paid trip to a US Grand Prix!