Turn-Key B2B Roadshows and Mobile Meeting Spaces

May 20, 2020

Transform your Cancelled Trade Show or Meeting into a Mobile Experience

It’s no question that recent events have impacted the trade show, live meetings and event industry in ways we never could have imagined. While large conferences and business gatherings have been cancelled or postponed indefinitely under CDC guidelines, B2B marketers and sales executives are looking for new creative solutions to reach their customers.

If you’re looking to expand your efforts while navigating through this health crisis, consider a targeted approach that can take your message safely to your customers where they work. A custom roadshow experience is a cost effective and responsible way to stay relevant and keep your sales plan moving.

Turtle Transit, an industry leading fabricator of custom roadshows and mobile tours, can show you how to take your live experience directly to your customers. Our turn-key B-2-B vehicle solutions include: fully customized trailers, RVs, buses, sleek vans and cutting-edge box trucks, all designed to provide your buyers a memorable hands-on experience.  You can mobilize your sales efforts, demo products, educate your customers, and meet with prospects to close deals in a location that’s most convenient to them.

Control cost while eliminating the additional expenses, logistics and technical difficulties that come with a trade show or corporate meeting. How can everyone in your organization benefit from a roadshow experience? When you’re not on the road meeting with customers, a custom vehicle provides you the convenience and flexibility to conduct employee training, mobile enrollment services or even a space to meet with your corporate partners.

Don’t let your sales plan fall flat. Now is the time to rethink how you can turn your cancelled trade show or meeting into a unique mobile experience. To find out more how Turtle Transit can transform your brand into a cutting-edge roadshow or mobile meeting space, fill out our contact us form or drop us an email to set-up a virtual meeting with our development team. Contact Us Today.

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